Fidelis Strategic Moral Investing
Wallick Investments believes management, based on a disciplined, well-researched, repeatable plan, adhered to over an investment cycle (usually around 5 years), can add significant value. Our experience and academic research has shown, the three most important components of portfolio management and overall performance include:
Fidelis Investment Management Components
• Asset allocation
• Sector diversification &
• Security selection.
Wallick Investments believes all three components are essential for providing our client portfolios with multi-dimensional diversification.
How is Fidelis Investments Management strategic & moral?
• Strategic – we perform comprehensive due diligence on investment choices before placing them in our clients' portfolios. Our methodology is based on a non-emotional, disciplined, repeatable process.
• Moral – we invest in companies that appear to be acting as a force for good and avoid companies with negative Inspire Social Impact scores. we also act as our clients' fiduciaries— i.e., in their best interest.